Monday 20 February 2017

Hey Ruth. This one is for you.

So you don't like that ordinary plebs blog about some of the rubbish you allow to be printed in that ideological rag that parades itself as a Science Journal. Well guess what. We do not care anymore. After years of being ignored, blocked, called industry shills and made the subject of some lunatic study, what else do you expect. Studies that have passed peer review that are clearly poor science appear with alarming regularity. They only passed peer review because the peers were also rabid Anti Tobacco/Vaping people. Any good, honest scientist/academic would have returned them to the authors marked 'This is rubbish. Try again'. Seriously. Go back and reread some of the utter bilge you have allowed to be published and be honest with yourself. Is it any wonder we blog and comment wherever we are allowed and  I say allowed because in most cases any departure from the holy scriptures is blocked or shut down.

Let me put it another way. What we see being published as research is being aimed at and used by legislators World wide to shape new laws that directly affect us, not you.  Should we not be allowed a say without being called names? When we are denied that say is it any wonder we get angry? You and your fellow Tobacco Controllers are interfering with our lives. Don't expect us to go quietly.

I notice you are 'opening rapid response'. Do you expect us to believe this will give us the chance to challenge what we see? It never has before. Feel free to comment on this blog. I won't censor anything.

Rant off


  1. Good Sir,
    Quite well and eloquently said. I commend your restraint in the use of your language, I would have had a much harder time of it than you did, vivat Sir, vivat!

  2. I'll be missing the hilarious tweets by Ruth Malone. Her fellows have muzzled her.
    Was is too embarrassing even for them?
